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Do more in less time: Many people who have 싱가포르 밤알바 part-time jobs as professionals feel that they have to keep up with their full-time colleagues, and may experience increased pressure to finish their tasks within the limited hours. After having children, mothers are more likely to reduce the number of hours worked than before having children.26 Mothers in professional jobs reduce their hours worked, although typically stay above the threshold for being a part-time employee.27 Mothers working retail and service jobs generally keep working part-time after having children, as part-time hours are typically the terms of employment in those industries.28 Part-time workers can feel limited in their capacity to pursue full-time hours insofar as their lower pay makes covering the costs of childcare hard.

Following the birth of children, mothers are more likely to scale back their work hours compared with their hours before having children.26 Mothers in professional occupations scale back their work hours, though typically remain above the part-time threshold.27 Mothers in retail and service jobs tend to continue working part time after having children, because part-time hours are often a condition of employment in these sectors.28 Part-time workers may be limited in their ability to seek full-time hours to the extent that their lower wages make covering the costs of full-time childcare difficult. In addition, mothers who are employed full-time are less likely to be eligible for paid leave, less able to use work from home, and less able to take advantage of working from home, less likely to take advantage of paid leave, less likely to take advantage of paid time off, less able to take advantage of paid time off, less able to take advantage of paid time off, less able to take advantage of paid time off, and receive less advance notice about work arrangements. We showed whether mothers employed part-time had greater access to paid time off, scheduling flexibility, and work-at-home benefits identified as core dimensions of flexibility, than mothers employed full-time. We present our analyses and findings showing that mothers working in part-time jobs are more likely to be employed at jobs that offer less flexibility, compensation, and family-friendly benefits compared to their counterparts working full-time.

The number of hours worked can also impact retirement funds and access to benefits like health insurance or paid sick days in a full-time role. Part-timers can save money on childcare costs, which may outweigh any additional money earned from working full-time. Not only may part-timers save money on gas and vehicle maintenance costs, they can also save dollars on monthly auto insurance premiums, which are typically based on mileage.

When part-timers are clear about their needs, employers can figure out the level of commitment they should expect, not only early on, but over the course of an arrangement. At all times, part-timers should be critical of framing additional responsibility imposed on colleagues and subordinates as an opportunity. These tasks require a commitment by the part-timer toward people and places unrelated to the job – and often unrelated to children and the home.

Second, successful part-timers make a public case for the economics of their arrangement, showing that the job is still getting done, and done well, and on time.

When organizations actually do have formal policies on part-timers benefits like vacation and sick days, these generally only act as approximate guidelines. Most supervisors and coworkers fear the job will not be done in a timely manner, or that others, already stretched thin, will have to take over part-timers unwelcome assignments. People sometimes get pressured into working more, or they feel other co-workers are outraged at their choice to work less.

Most likely, if they are an hourly employee, this means that when they put in more than 40 hours per week, you need to pay overtime. If they are salaried employees (exempt), you are free to require them to work more than 40 hours a week without paying them overtime.

The difference between non-exempt and exempt employees is that non-exempt employees are paid overtime (1 1/2 times their hourly rate) any time that they work over 40 hours per week. To clarify, exempt employees, while they are probably working full-time as salary employees, are not entitled to overtime compensation if they are paid over $468 a week in salary, and are performing exempt duties.

For example, someone combining one 30-hour-per-week gig with another 20-hour-per-week gig could earn more total revenue than the combined revenue from the individual, full-time positions. Even UPS (which provides surprisingly large benefits for anyone working more than 15 hours a week).

For instance, part-time employees in one company may be expected to cover the morning shift on every weekday, while another company may only require its part-time employees to cover longer hours a few days a week. Lower-income people had less choice than the wealthy: They could choose part-time jobs because it was all they had, or because they could not afford childcare long, or because longer hours would have meant greater exposure to COVID-19.

Some women are already exhausted from competing stressors from the pandemic, and welcome a change to less paid hours. I spoke to all three women–Quigley and her husband–in recent weeks. It is the first time that the McKinsey consultancy has found women who have expressed this keen interest in working less, in the last six years.

Studies show full-time workers often feel worn down, owing to insufficient time needed for exercising, enjoying sunny outdoor spaces, and generally adhering to healthy living. Working fewer hours is something that career women struggle with, even if it is at 14 hours into their workday, and their children have forgotten how it feels.

At times last year, Amy Conway-Hatcher, an attorney with a large firm in Washington, D.C., could hear her two children out for lunch with her husband, Amy Conway-Hatcher, and she could not join them, because she was working an 80- to 100-hour week on a large case. One professional who is successful in part-time jobs, for example, announced to a large group of colleagues in writings that she was working part-time to be able to spend the afternoons with her youngest daughter, but still considered her job to be central to her life, and looked forward to returning to work full-time within 18 months.